1997 BS7H Operating Team Љ

Here are some brief biographies of each of the BS7H 1997 operating team members:

Wang Xinmin, BA1OK - Wang, a veteran of the previous Huang Yan Dao DXpedition, is the Team Leader for BS7H 1997. Born in 1947, he trained seriously as a high speed telegraphy competitor in the 1960's before joining the army for three years as a radio operator. After his stint in the military, he taught high speed telegraphy for a number of years. His speciality is hand sending with a straight key! Together with BA4RC, he participated on the Chinese demonstration team at the 1996 World Radiosport Team Championship in San Francisco. Wang is currently the station manager of the BY1BJ club station in Beijing.

Gong "Alan" Wancong, BA1DU - Gong, age 33, is an electrical engineer for a Chinese electronics company. Specializing in RF design, Gong has worked on many high-tech projects, including the development of a satellite communications system. He also enjoys homebrewing amateur radio equipment. Recent projects include several QRP transceivers, an Amateur Television (ATV) transmitter and a radio modem. Gong operates both SSB and CW in addition to ATV and the digital modes. He is also an Internet enthusiast.

Chen Fang, BA4RC - Born in 1949, Chen was a successful high speed telegraphy competitor in the late 1960's. He worked during the 'cultural revolution' in a coal mine before becoming a telegraphy and Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) teacher. Chen is currently the manager of BY4RSA, the club station of the Amateur Radio Society of Jiangsu province. He was the first DXCC member in China. Chen is an avid homebrewer and operates regularly on both CW and SSB.

Wang Long, BD4RX - Wang is 31 years old. He organized the club station BY4RRR at the local middle school, where he teaches English. Wang operates primarily SSB.

Jian Yan, BD7JG - Jian, age 32, is the manager of a communications equipment factory in Guangdong province. Although he doesn't have much free time for ham radio, he does enjoy homebrewing, and operates both CW and SSB.

Zhang Jianhua, BG7KW - Even though he is only 27 years old, Zhang is the manager of a communications equipment shop. He is active on CW and SSB, and homebrews much of his equipment.

Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK - Information about Kan will be added soon. Meanwhile, visit Kan's home page.

Kazuo "Kazu" Ogasawara, JA1RJU - Kazu will celebrate his 58th birthday (03 May) on Scarborough Reef! He has been licensed since 1957 (as JA7JU), and also holds the calls KH2K and VE7RJU. Kazu is a very active 6-meter DXer, having 128 countries confirmed on the magic band. He has made several DXpeditions, concentrating on 6 meters: KC6PO, KG6RO, 9M6MA/9M6MO, BT1HHL, BT4RJU, 9V1ES, KH2K and CY7J. Stop by Kazu's home page.

Wayne Mills, N7NG - Wayne was first licensed in 1953 under the newly created Novice program as KN6ALH. He immediately began DXing, eventually making the DXCC Honor Roll some thirty years later. In 1983, his friend W6RGG (see below) asked Wayne to join a DXpedition to Clipperton Island, FO0XX. Since then, Wayne has participated in a number of major DXpeditions, most notably the ZA1A effort to introduce amateur radio to Albania. Other efforts include trips to the Pacific, Asia and Africa. Wayne, who now lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, was recently appointed to chair the ARRL DX Advisory Committee (DXAC). He is also a member of the DXCC2000 Committee which is charged by the ARRL Board of Directors to review the entire DXCC program.

Jim Duffy, W6EU (ex-WA6AUE) - Jim, age 54, lives in Truckee, California, with his wife Kathleen. At 6200 ft (3900 m) above sea level in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, he spends his free time snow skiing and fly fishing. Previous DXpeditions include Jarvis Island (AH3C/KH5J), Spratly Islands (9M0S) and CQWW Multi-Multi from P40V in 1988.

Bob Valio, W6RGG - Bob is an accomplished CW DXer and contester. His DX operations include FO0XX (Clipperton Island--twice!), XF4L, 6Y5BF, 5W1AZ, KP2A, 4U0ITU, VP5VW and 5V7A. Perhaps best known as the fist behind the W6TI Sunday night CW DX bulletins for more than 30 years, Bob has also served in various capacities on the Yasme Foundation, the Northern California DX Foundation, the ARRL DX Advisory Committee, and the Northern California DX Club. Bob first made Top of the Honor Roll in 1982, and has twice been named NCDXC DXer of the Year.

yTim Totten N4GN: http://www.iglou.com/n4gn/z

1997 BS7H DX Pedition